One of the best parts about Topplers and Domino Theory is that people just “get it.” This then leads them to ask the question, “How can I setup my own topple to watch my dream become a reality?” I want to introduce you to one of those people, Kate Skidmore.
Kate’s dream: Write a book about the inspiring events surrounding the adoption of her daughters from Africa.
Here’s the story behind the topple…
Kate has a dream (i.e. the book). She took the first big step of a true Toppler: she got over her fears and self-doubts about being able to make her dream become reality. This summer she and her husband Mark canceled their family vacation and instead spent their time completing the first draft of the book.
Now Kate is using the concepts in Domino Theory to set up her Topple so others can help her accomplish something that might be impossible for her to do on her own. In other words: she is setting up dominos and tipping them, which will then lead to other dominos falling that eventually end up knocking over a big heavy domino – The Book. Then, that big heavy domino tips over with more energy than all the others combined (lots of people read the book) and just maybe, thousands of other dominos start falling, or as Kate puts it…
“I hope the book will lead to an extraordinary number of orphaned children finding their “forever families.” I also hope that the book encourages people to listen and act on the invitation offered to them to make a positive difference.
Kate is asking to help make it possible for her to tip over the next dominos in her topple. These dominos (people like you) can help tip over the next domino in the chain that leads the book getting published by:
- Reading and commenting on the draft.
- Connecting Kate to a publisher.
- Providing first hand experiences/advice for an author like herself.
- Join the Topplers Facebook Page and invite others so there's a bigger population with the potential to help.
- Or simply connecting Kate to someone else that might be able to help.
Everyone that can help will get an official uniquely numbered domino from Kate. This domino can then be passed on to the next person in the chain, creating a traceable topple that will link and recognize every person who helped Kate accomplish her dream of getting the book published and children finding their forever families.
If you are interested in being part of Kate’s topple, the next step is go to the website and visit Kate’s page (featured on the Topplers home page) where you can connect with her via email.
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