We introduced you to Kate Skidmore in our last post titled 'Kate's Topple.' Since that time, Kate and her husband Mark have completed the first draft of the book. They are now working to secure a literary agent.
Topplers has been helping Kate setup her dominos - a chain of people working together to get her book published. Her story of adopting Maria and Rhoda from Uganda is inspiring. And, as domino theory predicts, an inspiring story motivates people to provide their assistance and keep the topple in motion. In this case, Carol Ross of Carol Ross and Associates has set herself up as a domino in Kate's Topple and volunteered her time to conduct an interview of Kate.
It is our hope that this interview will in some way help Kate accomplish her goal of publishing her book.
This is part one of the interview (12 min 47 sec). The other two parts will be posted separately.
Click the bar below to listen.
Or, if you prefer to download the interview:
Download Kate interview final p1
Part 2 titled "The Adoption" will be posted in a couple days.
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